Cares @ Christmas


Businesses large and small throughout Northern Ireland are encouraged to get behind the campaign, which has been hugely successful in previous years, with over £35,000 worth of gifts donated in 2016.


Speaking on behalf of the Henderson Group, Sam Davidson, Director of Human Resources for the Henderson Group said, “The Cares @ Christmas campaign is a highlight of the festive season each year. Our employees love it and we encourage our staff to participate. We also ask as many businesses as possible to get involved in this simple, but very worthwhile campaign. Donating a game, a toy, a selection box, gift vouchers, home heating vouchers, a hamper, books or CDs can make all the difference to a child or family who may otherwise go without this year. Come and join in.”


There are three easy ways to get involved with the campaign:

  1. Buy a gift– and support Action for Children. The organisation supports nearly 13,000 of our most vulnerable children young people and families to reach their full potential. Donations can be gifts (for young people up to the age of 18); gift vouchers or home heating oil vouchers
  2. Wrap a gift– and support Cancer Focus at Victoria Square throughout December to raise funds for their services across Northern Ireland
  3. Sort a gift– and support Cash for Kids, Mission Christmas. The Mission Christmas Warehouse (a.k.a. Santa’s workshop!) is based at the docks just past Cityside, Belfast. New and unwrapped gifts for 0-18 years are donated and when these gifts make their way to the Mission Christmas warehouse, they all need to be sorted into gender and age group


For more information on the 2017 Cares @ Christmas campaign or to get involved simply visit