Nathan O’Donnell
Nathan O’Donnell
Nathan O'Donnell is an Analyst Developer
Analyst Developer
Henderson Wholesale

Describe what a typical day at work looks like for you:
With having the option of flexi-time my typical day starts around half 7 so I can beat the traffic in and around Belfast. I get in and the first thing I’ll do is reply to any outstanding emails I haven’t replied to from the previous evening. I will then make a start on any current project work that I have to do. The project manager assigns daily or weekly tasks for me to complete so I start working through them. Depending on the day of the week, in the evening time we normally meet up for a development meeting with everyone else in the other project teams to have a brief catch up on what everyone is currently working on. This is good as it allows other members of the department to give their input on important decisions that may or may not need to be taken. I normally finish around half 3 or 4 every day. I like being able to do this as it allows me to enjoy the longer evenings.
Who and what are you responsible for?
It really depends on what project you have been assigned. With the business forever growing the demand for change is very high meaning you can be responsible for many different technical aspects of the business. When I first started, I was responsible for main up keep of the wholesale operations and logistics. These ranged from small changes that enhanced the functionality of the warehouse to the complete upgrade of the warehouse management system. Right now, I’m currently responsible for most of the development work happening to Henderson foodservice system. This work can range from small development changes made for daily task to large projects that will change the future workings of the system. A perfect example would be the new foodservice website that has recently been implemented. This was a huge digital change for foodservice allowing them to further expand their business reach.
How does your team fit in to the Henderson Group?
IT fits into every part of the business by simply trying to make the day to day duties of different departments much easier and simplified. Between myself and the project manager we work close with heads of other departments trying to work on a solution to a problem which that part of the company is having.
What are the best bits about your job?
The best part about my job is the option to be involved in so many different parts of the company and help others to develop something that will eventually make their job a lot easier. I’d have to say another great aspect about my job would be the people who work with me in the department. Within the IT department we are quite a close-knit group and everyone helps everyone out. If someone has a problem there is always help available from another member of the team. Obviously, the IT sector is an extremely fast paced environment and technology is constantly changing and moving forward. Within IT the senior members of the department give us time to learn and develop new skills if needed. There is always time given to further enhance your own personal development while maintaining a good balance with your current daily work.
What are the best bits about your company (Henderson Wholesale)?
The best thing about my job other than job security is the benefits that the company provide. You receive a perks card that gives you discount in number outlet stores. Along with that you receive £150 worth of vouchers to spend in company owned stores. You get these around the start of December which is extremely helpful considering everyone’s purse strings are pulled a little tighter around that time of the year.
What is the best bits about your team?
As mentioned before we are a very close-knit group and everyone helps everyone out where and when needed. The relationships between the junior members of the team and the senior members is great also as they help to us continuously learn and develop our skills and our career to the next level.
What attracted you to the Henderson Group?
My father has been in the retailing game for over 30 years so he was able to tell me a bit about Henderson’s as a whole and he spoke nothing but praise how the company itself was run and how they treat their employees. So, when I got my interview I was very keen to join and see if he was correct or not. I have to say he was spot on. Henderson’s was my first job out of university and from the moment I joined I believe it will be harder to find a better place for as graduate to start off.
When not working what can you be found doing?
Outside of work I have a keen interest in playing local football and have done so for the past 10 years.